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Beehive Removal

Bee removal is not an easy task. The treatment method depends on various factors, such as the type of bees and infestation cycle. Not all bee removal problems are the same. A proper removal will eliminate the bees and beehive. However, failure to remove all honeycombs can cause a major problem. This is basically why you need experts to do the job. Proper bee removal requires knowing effective application strategies, limitations, and dangers associated with each method. Improper destruction of bee colonies can provoke bees and cause them to sting. It requires complete removal and destruction, and proper disposal of the beehive to prevent foraging bees from neighboring colonies from moving in. It is essential to remove all honeycomb and to plug all holes to keep bees from re-entering the area.

Beehive Removal

Beehive removal is important to prevent property damage. A bee colony's favorite place to hive is in the framing between the walls of structures. Similarly, beehive removal locations include under eaves of enclosed fascia and Spanish roof tiles. Also, water control boxes and any type of enclosed utility box are also very common. Lastly, any equipment or vehicles left stationary and unused for long periods of time, underneath standing construction trailers, in light posts, in the trunks of trees, are also common places for beehive removal. Click here for a graphic on favorite beehive locations.

Beehive Territory

Once the colony builds a hive and establishes its territory, it will become very defensive. Being near the hive area becomes dangerous. At that point, the colony does not leave on its own and generally will not abandon that hive.

Unattended Beehives​

Even if bees are treated, honeycomb left in the wall will continue to attract bees into the area. Because beeswax remains inside an enclosed structure, it will emit a honey odor. As a result, any hive left in a wall may attract ants, rats, and other critters. An unattended hive may leak honey and emit a sweet, pungent odor causing mold. All hives and honeycomb should be removed from structures by a professional beehive removal expert. Note, feral bee honeycomb is not safe for human consumption. Do not eat any honeycomb made by feral bees.

Key Points To Remember About Bee Removal

  • Bee removal is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and should only be undertaken by professionals.
  • Not all bee removal problems are the same and failure to remove all honeycombs can cause a major problem
  • If the bees have accessed a structure and been in the area for more than 48 to 72 hours, there is honeycomb in the structure.
  • Bees will NOT leave on their own once the honeycomb is built.
  • Proper bee removal requires knowing effective application strategies, limitations, and dangers associated with each method.
  • Improper destruction of bee colonies can provoke bees and cause them to sting..

APA bee removal specializes in beehive removal and takes pride in removing all honeycomb completely and efficiently. A general pest control company may help for a time, but a bee removal expert is what makes the real difference!

 Removing and relocating a colony of bees can be extremely difficult, especially if you are resorting to DIY methods. This is why the best way to eliminate bee infestations in your property is to call bee experts.

The Need For Experts

Not all bee removal problems are the same. A proper removal will eliminate the bees and beehive. However, failure to remove all honeycombs can cause a major problem. This is basically why you need experts to do the job. Our highly trained technicians can tell what phase of the bee infestation cycle you are in using several methods. One of these methods includes observing the flight pattern of the bees which tells the presence of the honeycomb. Take note of the following:.

  • If the bees are flying around in random patterns as if they are searching for something, there most likely is no honeycomb present. The bees are scouting for a good location to bring the colony.
  • If, however, the bees are darting in and out of a gap or opening of a structure like a busy airport or freeway, there is a good chance there is honeycomb present. As a result, there is a high probability that infestation has already occurred.
Bee Removal: Not Trivial

Overall, bee removal is a time-consuming, labor-intensive method that should only be undertaken by professionals. Experienced and well-trained bee experts can do the job best!  Whichever phase your bee problem is in, you can count on APA bee removal  for an effective solution!

We Find the Source of the Problem

Have you ever hired a professional to fix something, but they actually didn’t fix the problem? This applies to hundreds of situations like plumbing work, automobile repairs, and construction work, among others. You never have to worry about this problem when you hire our team because we find the source or cause of the problem and then offer a reasonable solution. 

We stay up to date on problems specifically affecting our San gabriel valley area . And we don’t say our job is done until we’ve confirmed the bees or nests are completely gone. You can expect our team members to offer advice about how to avoid bee problems in the future—and you can trust what we say because we have decades of experience and many happy customers. 

Contact us today if you need assistance with proper bee removal. Our emergency bee removal services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience!