Affordable - Professional - Live Bee Removal - Bee Control - Relocation Services

Bee Removal Services

We offer a variety of services to help control your bee problem. We perform live bee swarm removals and relocate the bees to a farm, beekeeper, or apiary. Our live removals are pesticide -free and environmentally friendly. Let us help you save those bees. In addition to saving the bees we are also able to offer traditional bee eliminations whenever the bees are aggressive or put your family at risk. Africanized bees are a threat in So Cal and we are certified by the state of California as Africanized Bee experts. If bees build a hive inside your home, we can extract the hives from walls, chimneys, roofs, under sheds, and other areas where bees like to build a hive. In certain cases we can also “bee proof” areas where a hive has been removed to exclude bees from re-entering.


Bee Removal Services

Bee Removal Services