APA Bee Removal, we've been buzzing since 1998! We believe that honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to bees. While other companies may use the misconception that bees are in danger to their advantage, we provide truthful and effective bee removal services. We're passionate about protecting these important pollinators and helping our clients live in harmony with them. That being said it really bothers me that other so called bee experts have no idea of whats going on when it comes to honey bee's. You may have heard that bees are in danger and that they are disappearing at an alarming rate. But, have you ever wondered if it's really true? Is it possible that it's just another one of those rumors that circulate on the internet? Well, today I'm here to tell you that honey bees are not in danger! Yes, you heard that right! While it's certainly important to take care of our little buzzing buddies, the idea that they're on the brink of extinction is simply a myth. Honey bees are not actually in danger? That's right! Despite all the buzz about declining bee populations, honey bees are actually doing just fine. In fact, the number of managed honey bee colonies in the United States has remained relatively stable over the past two decades. While there are certainly challenges facing beekeepers and the bees themselves, there is no need to panic about the imminent extinction of these hardworking pollinators. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of honey bees and discover the truth about their population, because the bees are here to stay.


I have been doing bee removal work since 1998. These last couple of years there have new bee companies that have really took it upon themselves to exploit one of the biggest myths of bees. To be completely honest it is disappointing how out of hand this is getting. You have bee removal companies that are $2,000 chopping down trees to remove a beehive live! This is ridiculous!! Why are they chopping down trees to save a wild beehive, when the bees are going to die anyway? The fact is Bees are in no way in danger. So why then are bee removal companies charging outrages rates for bee removal service? There rates are mostly due to live bee removal being much more expensive as it takes more skill and time. These companies are always advertising how the bees are in danger, and that beekeeping is what is going to save them. therefore, hiring these companies will ensure the bees survival.


The charging of outrages prices for bee removal has also gotten out of control. Eixample there are companies that have a $250 min service call. We charge $125 min. honey removal from a roof other companies charge $1,200. We at APA charge $650. the myth about bee's being in danger has gotten more outa control year after year, allowing bee removal companies to charge outrageous prices for bee removal. There are so many things that I see are wrong with the way bee removal companies are taking advantage of customers all due to a statement that is not true at all. Ther are some companies that even go as far as to sell honey from there website. This is amusing because there is no way one can keep both domestic and wild bees at the same time. Of course, if they were beekeepers, they would know this. Allow me to explain. Beekeeping is often promoted to conserve pollinators [but] managing hives does nothing to protect our wild pollinators. It’s the equivalent of farming chickens to save wild birds.”   Not only does beekeeping do nothing to “save” wild native pollinators, but it also actually does the opposite. Domesticated farmed bees can spread diseases to the pollinators who were there first and hey also crowd them out by competing with them for pollen. By deceiving the public into thinking that the bees are in danger and there for they offer live bee service and charge outrages prices for bee removal.  If the previous sentence is not true, then ask yourself these questions. If the bee removal companies that only have on their web site, we save bee’s and only use green method to remove bees, Why are they promoting false statements such as bees are in danger?


If you google "are Honeybees in danger?" this is what you get." Are bees endangered? Bee Population Trends - 2023 -the answer is clear “The status of honeybees is not endangered, but they have been experiencing sharp declines in some regions. Factors contributing to the decline in honeybee populations include pesticide exposure, habitat loss, pests, and diseases.” It really bothers me that other so call bee experts have no idea of what is going on when it comes to honeybees. You may have heard that bees are in danger and that they are disappearing at an alarming rate. But have you ever wondered if it is true? Is it possible that it is just another one of those rumors that circulate on the internet? Well, today I am here to tell you that honeybees are not in danger! Yes, you heard that right! While it is certainly important to take care of our little buzzing friends, the idea that they are on the brink of extinction is simply a myth. Honeybees are not actually in danger. That is right! Despite all the buzz about declining bee populations, honeybees are doing fine. In fact, the number of managed honeybee colonies in the United States has remained stable over the past two decades. While there are certainly challenges facing beekeepers and the bees themselves, there is no need to panic about the imminent extinction of these hardworking pollinators. So, sit back, relax, and let us dive into the world of honeybees and discover the truth about their population, because the bees are here to stay.


To justify the above, which isn't very socially palatable on its own, many people claim that beekeeping for honey is doing the bees and the environment a favor. There are several reasons why this isn't true. The most common claim made is that beekeeping helps local bee populations. But people are conflating domesticated honeybees with wild pollinators. The USDA classifies honeybees as “livestock.” Since they are completely different (just like a domesticated farmed cow and a wild buffalo are totally different), one doesn't boost the population of the other. So obviously, the only population being boosted by beekeeping is that of domesticated non-native honeybees, which are not found outside of human confinement and control, and which are widely distributed and not actually endangered. Human-controlled breeds of species can’t go “extinct” anyway, only species can. Beekeeping is often promoted to conserve pollinators... [but] managing hives does nothing to protect our wild pollinators. It’s the equivalent of farming chickens to save wild birds.” Not only does beekeeping do nothing to “save” wild native pollinators, but it also actually does the opposite. Domesticated farmed bees can spread diseases to the pollinators who were there first and hey also crowd them out by competing with them for pollen.


Simply ask yourself these questions. To me sure let us remove the bees without any chemical so that the bees may have a fighting chance to survive. Well, here are the true facts. #1 removing the bees without chemicals or using a “modified vacuum, and smoke does not ensure the bees will survive. I have seen with my own eye’s companies removing hives then dumping them in trash bins once they have left the customers property. This is because they do not have anywhere to put them. Like APA we us network of beekeepers that are not always egger to take wild bees. All the time and excessive cost for live bee removal was pointless. Besides bee swarms, beehives that have been establish for more than a month about a 30% chance of surviving the removal. Even if you are as gentle as can be. It is even worse for beehives that are aggressive. Beekeepers 100% of the time will not take them.


1. Q: Are bees really not in danger?
A: Yes, that’s correct! Despite some reports, bees are not currently in danger of extinction.

2. Q: Why do some people think that bees are in danger?
A: There are a few factors that have contributed to the misconception that bees are in danger, including the decline of certain bee species and the loss of their natural habitats.

3. Q: What can we do to help bees?
A: While bees are not in immediate danger, it’s always a good idea to take steps to support their populations. Planting pollinator-friendly plants and avoiding pesticides are great ways to help bees thrive.

4. Q: Do bees have any predators?
A: Yes, bees do have predators, including birds, spiders, and certain types of insects. However, these predators are not currently posing a threat to bee populations as a whole.
